ECP implements and participates in several local, national and international school projects, which ultimately are all intended to aid its students in becoming integral and active citizens. In a clear commitment to this stance, we joined the European Parliament Ambassador School [EPAS] Pedagogical Project.
This is a pedagogical program developed in the 27 Member States of the European Union that involves continuous work, by teachers and students in the role of senior and junior ambassadors, entailing a set of activities with the following objectives:
- disseminate knowledge about the European Union and European parliamentary democracy among young people, especially among pupils attending regular secondary education and vocational education;
- raise awareness among young people about the possibilities offered by their European citizenship, as well as the role that the European Parliament plays in the European decision-making process and therefore in our daily lives.
In each participating school, the EPAS program is led by Senior Ambassadors [teachers] who, together with the Junior Ambassadors [students], will decide on the most appropriate and attractive action plan, bearing in mind the aforementioned objectives.
Currently, our Junior Ambassadors are the Marketing Course 11th year class, and the Senior Ambassadors are Joana Freitas and Dora Rodrigues, from the Department of International Relations. They rely also on the active participation of all teachers assigned to that class, making this a truly cooperative and multidisciplinary project.
In the 2019/2020 school year, the work developed by the Junior Ambassadors from the Tourism Operations Course – 10th and 11th year – and Senior Ambassadors, Joana Freitas, Diana Monteiro and Fernanda Pinto, Ana Azevedo, Hugo Malta, Dora Rodrigues and Alexandra Tinoco, obtained official recognition from the European Parliament Portuguese Office, that awarded ECP the board of distinguished schools across Europe, certifying our integration into the network, and also an invitation to be one of the 5 Portuguese schools participating in the Euroschool 2021 session.
More information is available at:
EPAS official page:
Facebook page: